Due to the contentious nature of our society and rising vehicle prices, car insurance rates are rising nationwide. The bad news is that insurance will probably not fall in the near future. The good news is that there are things you can do to minimize growth or reduce your wallet load. How to save money on auto insurance?
Many cars and / or drivers can save money
If you get a quote from an insurance company for one vehicle insurance, you may receive a higher quote per vehicle than if you asked for insurance for several drivers or vehicles in that company. Insurance companies will offer an amount equal to the wholesale rate because they want your business. In some circumstances they are willing to give you an offer if it means you will bring more.
Take advantage of discounts on car insurance
Each insurance company offers special ways to lower your car insurance premiums. To ensure that you get all the discounts you are entitled to, ask your agent to check for possible savings.
Here are some discounts offered by the four largest insurance companies. However, remember to compare quotes based on your own situation. The fact that the insurer offers many discounts does not mean that it offers the lowest overall price.

Allstate offers discounts based on vehicles, insurance options, lifestyle and driving. They range from a 5% discount on setting up automatic premium payments to a 35% good student discount. In some states, the company also offers Drivewise, a usage-based insurance program, and Milewise, a kilometer payment program. The company claims that some drivers can save up to 39% by allowing Allstate to track driving using these programs.
Geico offers discounts on vehicle equipment, driving history and habits, driver training, customer loyalty and membership in one of 500 groups with similar interests, such as organizations and employers. In addition, members of the army may be entitled to a 15% discount, and federal government employees and pensioners may be entitled to an 8% discount.
Drive less, save more
The more you drive, the greater the likelihood of an accident or emergency. That is why many car insurance companies offer discounts to people who travel less than the average number of miles per year, or to those who travel regularly by car. Ask your carrier if you qualify.
Drive safer, save more
The better you are a driver, the more money you can save on insurance costs. People with a clean driving history who have not had traffic accidents or offenses for a specified number of years may qualify for safe discounts for drivers. What’s more, you may be able to take advantage of additional savings if you have recently chosen a defensive driving course.
Look for other discounts
There are other discounts that the insurer may offer to policyholders. For example, some companies offer discounts for those who have not had accidents or traffic violations for a certain period of time, or who have taken a defensive driving course. If the policy has a young driver who is a good student, has completed a driver education course or goes to college without a car, you may also qualify for a lower rate.